Movement and Massage Classes
Learn techniques to stimulate your baby’s physical and sensory development! Each class will cover a different aspect of physical development to help your child achieve their milestones. Classes will also cover infant massage to give you techniques for calming and soothing your baby.
After just four classes you will be able to boost your baby’s development and learning and promote relaxation all on your own!

Classes can be especially helpful for babies who dislike tummy time, or are slightly delayed in their motor milestones. Groups are kept to a maximum of four, making individual attention for babies requiring extra consideration possible.
An optional fifth class will be presented at the end of the course for mothers wishing to learn basic life support for babies. Bespoke sessions (venue and time or virtual online) can be created for groups of three or more on request.
For further information on treatments offered, or for any other enquiries feel free to contact us on 07729 203 231 or email us at